Heya Everyone,
I'm still working through this idea, it has me firmly in its grasp.
Until next time.
Day Three:
Dearest Diary, you’d never believe the day I’ve had. Actually, you might. It’s nothing compared to the madness of the last two days.
Orias was waiting when I got home from university, staring out the window of the motel room at the people and traffic that passed by. He was so pleased that I was home, and I can understand that I can only imagine how lonely it must be to be stuck here, unable to talk to anyone nor interact with the outside world. I’m almost tempted to get him a laptop, something to do while he spends the rest of his life here.
Orias told me how Lucifer never actually rebelled, he was forced to test the humans, to figure out how easily they would fall victim to their own free will. It was all part of a big predetermined plan, he and his siblings were divided, those his ‘father’ wished to have ruling over his land of punishment, and those he kept at his side in heaven. I had to ask him if he minded, how he felt about all of this, but he seemed not to care. It was his father's will, and therefore his to carry out. Dairy, I can’t imagine not having a choice. I feel bad for him, knowing that being stuck here was part of a plan set in motion by his own father.
I could go on for pages, trying to find words to express all that I’ve learnt, but I dare not. You have precious few pages already, and I would hate to fill you with things even I struggle to comprehend. It is not the reason I was given you dearest diary.
I missed University today, it’s the first day I’ve missed since, well you know. But Orias and I stayed up talking all night until he ushered me to bed long after midnight. It’s not unusual for me to sleep through my alarm, you know this, but Orias turned it off before I could, allowing me the luxury of sleeping in after the night we’d had. He knew I’d need the sleep time to sort through everything I’d learnt, and come back when I woke with clarifying questions.
There is just- Diary I have no words. The thing’s I’ve learnt can not be explained, not without sounding like a mad person. Not without someone else seeing what I have seen, seeing the proof with their own two eyes.
So now I'm stuck at a crossroads, I have to figure out what to do with all the information I’ve been given. I would be a fool to keep it to myself, but no one would believe me should I tell them. We know how the christian’s stand by their book, even if Orias could prove them wrong they would never believe.
I know even less than I did yesterday, I mean, I know more, but I have less of an idea what to do with this knowledge. It almost feels as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders, foolish I know, but imagine how the world would change if they knew what I know now.
Diary, I have never felt simultaneously so free and chained down. I have proof that the supernatural exists. Orias told me of his father’s plan for earth, for humanity, and now I get to live knowing that I can’t tell anyone what I know. What am I supposed to do.
Orias doesn’t seem to understand my problems, he said that knowing the plan has always given him and his kind comfort. Security in knowing that everything was already organised and in place and that nothing you can do will change that. I can not say I feel the same.
How can he claim human’s have free will if everything is already organised? If there is a plan then how do we have a choice in what we do and say?