Monday, May 22, 2017

Tales of a Demon Flatmate; Day Two.

Heya Everyone, so I asked my friends what I should do for today's blog post, and they demanded a part two to last week. So here it is! :)

Day Two:

Dearest Diary, I awoke thinking that the events of early this morning were little more than a nightmare induced by everything that happened yesterday, but it wasn’t.

The cleaning supplies I had brought yesterday have been put to good use, and aside from the carpet and curtains, everything was spotless. The demon under my bed had cleaned everything, like absolutely everything. I would almost believe everything was brand new, that’s how clean it was, AND he had dealt with the yucky sheets I’d thrown in the closet.

You’d think that would be everything right?  But no. I awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. It was his way of thanking me, he claimed, sitting at the seat opposite to eat his own serving of breakfast.

Diary, I brought cleaning supplies and was too tired to actually clean, so he did it all and I got thanked. If this guy was human I’d marry him, seriously diary.

We talked over breakfast, his name is Orias, and he’s so old he’s forgotten his actual age. I found out that he was kicked out of hell for disagreeing with a few other demons that, while they weren’t stronger than him, they did outnumber him, and he’s been stuck in this spot ever since.

It’s so fascinating. It turns out demons have to be invited in somewhere, much like the myths say about Vampires. So either by summoning them into a space or a normal invitation and because Orias wasn’t technically invited into the motel room - he’s now stuck there.

You see, Orias was wandering the earth after he was kicked out of hell, and got attacked by a group of angels - Angels! I can't believe it. - anyway, he fought them off, and then fell into a deep sleep underground so he could heal and recover. When he woke up, he was stuck inside this motel room, and couldn’t leave.

Diary I had so many questions that Orias is willing to answer, I couldn’t bare to put the conversation on hold to go to university today. But I did, he insisted that seeing as he was stuck there for all eternity I may as well continue on with my life in the meantime. Gather my thoughts and questions for him tonight, once I get home. I have never been more anxious to get home, nor more distracted in my classes.

I have proof that the supernatural exists, that the war between heaven and hell isn’t just something religious folk claim is true. Yet I have no one to tell who will believe me. I have seen first hand what happens to those who try and convince humanity that what they have seen is true. They get labelled as mad, insane, mentally ill, and I have no desire to join the ranks of those shunned by humanity simply for being different.

So the proof shall have to rest in your pages dearest diary. The answers to questions humanity seek after kept safely within your bindings. Maybe one-day people will be ready and willing to hear the answers, but until then... at least I know the truth.

I have taken the last pages of you, diary to write down all the questions I can think of, those that plague me now I know that myths I never believed are true. I think my first question will be if Orias is capable of lying. I would hate for the questions I ask to be met with anything but the truth, and understandably I’m cautious to trust a demon. Our myths and legends do not cast them in the best light.

Oh diary, I fear the longer I am away the more doubt that arises in my mind. What if I was just taken in by his forms good looks? After all, the human form he assumed was incredibly similar to the men that I long after in my daydreams, and court in my normal dreams. There is still a chance that I could be his victim, a fun little game before he destroys me as he has the others who have occupied that room.

My mind is swirling. Questions and confusion mingling as one, and there is only one way to clear my mind. I have to go back after Uni, to Orias, and to the answers he holds.

Should anything happen to me diary, at least I shall live on in your pages. A reminder of both what has happened, and what is to come.

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